May 10, 2011 | Categories: Blog
National Rally & March for Youth Investment
Everyday we hear Americans say that young people are the nations future. What does our future look like
when elected officials approve budgets that cut billions of dollars from education and other services vital to our
nation’s youth? Young people understand what’s at stake. We have the solutions to fix our broken schools, we
need meaningful jobs that prepare us for excellent careers, and we have a right to participate in the decisions
that will shape the 21st Century. If we truly believe that young people are the nations future then our
government must invest in youth today. It’s a life or death situation. It’s time for our National leaders to stop .playing with our lives and answer our call. Invest in America’s Youth!
Congress and the White House can answer our call by:
Making an investment in the quality of Public Education by passing the National Campaign for Quality Education’s bill
Making an investment in Youth jobs by passing the Youth Jobs Act (Co-Authored by Congressman Bobby Rush)
And by investing in youth voice and youth participation in federal policy decisions by creating a Grassroots and Congressional Youth Caucus
On May 19th thousands of young people representing the National Campaign for Quality Education, Alliance
for Educational Justice, and National L.I.F.E. Coalition will take these demands to law makers in Washington
D.C. during the National Rally & March for Youth Investment. We will meet at the U.S. Department of
Education at 1PM and march to the U.S. Department of Labor. Please join us!
For more information about the National Rally for Youth Investment email us at:
May 10, 2011 | Categories: Blog
Pushed Out: Youth Voices on the Droupout Crisis in Philadelphia
Feb 17, 2011 | Categories: Blog

TIME: 4 pm